Have you made the switch?

Have you made the switch?

The Victorian State Government is offering a Power Saving Bonus for Victorian households in a one-off $250 payment to ease cost-of-living pressures and encourage Victorians to compare their household energy prices and save money.

The bonus is available from 1 July 2022, however, for every other Aussie, why not use this an opportunity to switch to a greener electricity company? By switching to a greener provider we can force the switch away from fossil fuels and help lead the change towards renewable power. Nothing is stronger than market demand and understanding the impacts from the decisions we make. Remember, we all the power to make a change. Switching providers is just one of many eco swaps we can make towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

So how have we been tracking?

In 2020, fossil fuels contributed 76% of total electricity generation in Australia, including coal (54%), gas (20%) and oil (2%), whereas renewables contributed to 24% of total electricity generation. While it is not all doom and gloom, we are slowly changing this. Coal’s share of electricity generation has been on a declining trend from 1999-00 while the shares of natural gas and renewables has increasing.  

Graphic extracted from Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

I’m interested, but how will I find a green energy provider?

Did you know Greenpeace have developed a Green Electricity Guide? It’s super easy and completely independent, which can be used to guide you in reviewing and/or selecting a greener energy provider. The guide is Australia wide and for a quick overview it looks at the amount of pollution created through the supplier, ending coal use by 2030 and halting fossil fuel expansion. Each participating provider also has an extensive report written, which you learn the nitty gritty details about your provider.

While generally the costs are cheaper to go renewable, we also understand the cost of living is increasing and stress can be through the roof. We acknowledge that everyone is a different part of their sustainable journey and emphasis that is a no judgement zone. Don’t feel terrible if you can’t get the greenest provider, we are realistic and completely understand if you have to guide your decision purely on costs. Although with that being said, if you can move up the ranking or discovered you’re already doing a good job and have selected a greener energy provider, you’re a superstar!  

Links and images used in this article:

Power Saving Bonus: https://compare.energy.vic.gov.au/psb-faq

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water- Australian electricity generation - fuel mix: https://www.energy.gov.au/data/australian-electricity-generation-fuel-mix#:~:text=Fossil%20fuels%20contributed%2076%25%20of,total%20electricity%20generation%20in%202020

Greenepace Electricity Guide: https://greenelectricityguide.org.au/

Wind Turbine Photo by Kshithij Chandrashekar

Poster Photo by Eelco Böhtlingk 

Park Photo by Mike Benna 

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